How to: Upload Files with JavaScript FileAPI - 1 of 3

A simple file-upload is easy to implement. A input-tag of the "file"-type. Set "method" to "post" and let the action attribute point to the target-page. Don’t forget enctype="multipart/form-data" and every thing is finished.

This implementation is very limited and in modern Web-Apps you want to do more than simply upload files. You want to scale, rotate and process the image. You want to see the progress of the upload and upload more than one file at once in the upload-queue. A few years earlier you had to use flash.. but flash is dead. Today we use HTML5 + JavaScript. With ist you can do what ever you want to do. The File-API helps you to load local files per input or drag and drop. A web-notification informs you when the upload is finished… very helpful if it is a very large file.

This file-upload that is created in this posts is not perfect, but it works in many of my projects and scripts. The target-script can be implemented very easy in PHP or as a servlet.

For a simple test you can use this PHP-script:


//see $_REQUEST["lastChunk"] to know if it is the last chunk-part or not

for Java you can use this (FileIOToolKit is a class of my own, it simply adds a byte[] to the end of a file or creates the file, if it doesn’t exist):

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
try {
String appPath = request.getServletContext().getRealPath("");

String filename = request.getParameter("filename");
for (Part part : request.getParts()) {
if (part.getName().equals("upfile")) {
byte[] out = new byte[part.getInputStream().available()];

FileIOToolKit.append(appPath + File.separator + filename, out);
System.out.println(appPath + File.separator + filename + " saved!");
catch (Exception e) {

As you see, the files aren’t uploaded at once, but in multiple parts. So ist is very easy to track the progress of the upload.

To load a file in HTML5 is very easy. Drag and drop or the OnChange-Action of a file-input element delivers you a event, that contains a list of files.

Here is simple example to get the files from the event. The two events from the input and the one from the drag and drop are different.

var files = null; // FileList object
files=evt.dataTransfer.files; //input
else{; //drag and drop

But we don’t care about this part of loading and starts where we have the file-object. You also can create a binary-blob from an data-URL (from a canvas for example).

This is parts 1 of 3.

The german version can be find here
User annonyme 2015-12-20 21:11

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